Hi, I am Teresa!

I am a nature connection guide, ceremonialist, and visual storyteller of nature, spirituality, culture and ecology.

I provide loving guidance and support on your spiritual journey of healing, transformation and growth, by sharing my Earth based wisdom and spiritual practices, resources, learnings and experiences.

I will empower and encourage you by creating trust and intimacy with each other and nature. With nature as our guide and teacher, you will reawaken your soul’s longing to reconnect to the natural world. Earth based spiritual practices will open you to create an intimate deep connection and relationship with nature where you feel a sense of belonging, and where you are free to be your true self.

My mission is to inspire you and support you in reconnecting with nature and nurturing your soul, so you can see your own brilliance and heal yourself and help heal our Earth. 

I am passionate about exploring and being in nature, it nurtures my heart, mind, body and spirit. I am nurtured by nature. Traveling and exploring the natural world has brought me back home to me, to my true essence, to my soul.

I live in California, in the Central Valley, halfway between my place of birth in the majestic Redwoods close to the Pacific Ocean, and my beloved Yosemite and the mountains.

Tending the Earth is a celebration of all life. Let your true nature shine!"Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother. Honor the Elders. Honor all with whom we share the Earth:-Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones, Swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people. Walk in balance and beauty."
- Native American Elder


Art by Katherine Skaggs


This picture here is my soul portrait. In August 2015, I met an intuitive healer who painted soul portraits. As you see, there is a hummingbird flying into the red rose in my heart representing love.

I was told that the hummingbird was my spirit animal and guide, even though I already knew this before hand, it just confirmed my inner knowing. My heart is full of love for all beings, human, animal and all nature.

Hummingbird is joy and love, spreading it throughout the earth. Like a hummingbird, I have been filling my heart and soul with the sweet nectar of the many different experiences I have lived. I am here to help pollinate others so they can blossom into themselves, and nurture and care for Mother Earth, as she has done for me. Hummingbird spirit is my guiding force.

“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” —Gerard De Nerval


I can't really pinpoint to a specific date for my spiritual awakening, but it was a buildup of moments and events when I realized what was happening. As I child, I was connected to the natural world in every sense. I spent a lot of time in nature, where the trees were my friends and I was wild and free, chasing butterflies, swimming in the river and laying on the grass watching the clouds pass by. Everyday. I felt free, nurtured and loved unconditionally by Mother Earth.

Challenging times and life changing events during my formative years took me on my journey to lose my sense of self and do things in life for others. But after the birth of my son, something stirred in my heart and tugged at me. It was that little girl that ran wild and free, she was talking to me to come back home to my soul.

After my marriage ended and feeling overwhelmed and scared, I knew I had to take care of myself and move forward, despite the darkness and fear. Actually, that fear really propelled me to do much soul searching and healing.

One of the first things I did for myself to heal my soul, was to go to nature since I had lost that contact during some years. I started to go to parks and hike and notice life and the natural world. It fed my soul, it was calling me home.

I had always wanted to go to Yosemite but couldn't find anyone who would go with me, and it was my backyard really, only a 3 hour drive from my home. So I planned a trip there with my son and off we went in the summer of 2012. I had no idea what to expect and had some fears about driving in the mountains and wildlife.

Once I entered the valley and saw this view, I shed tears of joy of being home, home to my soul! Yosemite is home to my soul, with such awe inspiring and majestic beauty, this is where I belong. Since that first trip, I now go to Yosemite 3 to 4 times a year. Yosemite has been the constant witness to my healing and growth.

"Only the soul comprehends what the eyes see"

My journey of awakening has taken me to explore and study with many different wisdom traditions: Toltec and Aztec teachings with HeatherAsh Amara and Sergio Magana, Andean Wisdom Sacred Earth Medicine Path, Mayan Wisdom with Maya Wisdom Project and Lakota tradition ceremonies. I am a shamanic practicioner. I have participated in several spiritual journeys in Peru, Mexico, the United States and Spain.

My certifications include

  • Eco-spiritual mentoring certificate from Earth Wisdom Academy
  • Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy and Applied Mythology Certificates from Pacifica Graduate Institute
  • Environmental educator from Project Learning Tree
  • Permaculture Design
  • UC Climate Stewards
  • Gentle yoga teacher
  • Reiki Master energy healing
The video here will give you a more detailed and in depth view of my life journey. This interview was done December 2017 by my friend Rodrick Chambers.

Thank you for being here with me!

If you like to see more pictures of stunning Yosemite like the one here, and just more pictures of nature and the world, you can follow my travels and explorations in nature on my Instagram and YouTube.