Healing the soul back home to your true essence

As we awaken and heal, we come to our true soul essence and become who we are meant to be. As we heal ourselves, we help heal others and our home, Mother Earth.

Earth based spiritual practices will open you to reconnect to your true essence and true nature.

Welcoming you with open heart and open arms to your spiritual journey.
  • Heal the past
  • Live the present
  • Dream the future

Teresa Echaide

Hi, I am Teresa!

I am a nature connection coach, eco-spiritual guide, mentor and teacher.

I provide loving guidance and support on your spiritual journey of healing, transformation and growth, by sharing my Earth based spiritual practices, resources, learnings and experiences.

I will empower and encourage you by creating trust and intimacy with each other and nature. With nature as our guide and teacher, you will reawaken your soul’s longing to reconnect to the natural world. Earth based spiritual practices will open you to create an intimate deep connection and relationship with nature where you feel a sense of belonging, and where you are free to be your true self.

My mission is to inspire you and support you in reconnecting with nature and nurturing your soul, so you can see your own brilliance and heal yourself and help heal our Earth.

I am passionate about exploring and being in nature, it nurtures my heart, mind, body and spirit. I am nurtured by nature. Traveling and exploring the natural world has brought me back home to me, to my true essence, to my soul.

Tending the Earth is a celebration of all life. Let your true nature shine!

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    🍀 A lovely nature connection meditation audio 🍀


    “A walk in nature walks the soul back home.”

    ~ Mary Davis